Growth Mindset: Conversation With a Friend

Today, I spoke to a friend about what I learned about growth mindset in my Epics of India class. Basically, he had a really important deadline coming up for this one group that he was part of, and he was keen on making the project that he was submitting for them as perfect as possible. He was expecting feedback for it, but I knew that he wanted as little feedback as possible, since, ideally, it would be perfected in the first draft itself. However, I told him that, even if he gets more feedback and his project advisors find more areas of improvement than he had anticipated, it's best to take on a growth mindset and learn from his strengths to tackle his weaknesses. I think it really helped him stress out less about the project and be more open to feedback he may receive - a success, I'd say!

A great visual that I showed my friend to explain the growth mindset. 


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